Im a Superhero


Art Section
I'm a Superhero!
(All linked to Deviant pages because I can't seem to get it to work now...)
The eye, the eye! Oh yeah, Loki is da man... or god? Flight of the Phoenix, man!! 3rd place contest placer

Other Art by Tanjou
None here right now, but you can see my deviant.

Yay! Fanart makes me so happy. This one is by Mel! XD Even though Loki hasn't arrived in the comic people seem to be obsessed with him! O_o Yay! Fanart makes me so happy. This one is by Marie! Suprisingly it's another Loki! Ain't it cute? Yay! Fanart makes me so happy. This one is by Jef! Another Loki... just... Wow. O_O Why do people like characters I haven't written yet is beyond me!
You can send in your art here. Don't forget to fill in the subject as fanart.
Im a Superhero © Tanjou
Layout by Nie
Im a Superhero! is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.